Tinder announces new user warnings: All the details | – industrialupdates

How Tinder is becoming safer
The majority of Tinder’s global users are aged 18-25 years old, and they often come to Tinder to begin their dating journey. These new warnings aim to provide additional guidance to users, helping to inform them of inappropriate behaviour, as well as offering an immediate opportunity to change their actions moving forward.
When creating a profile, all users are made aware of Tinder’s recently updated Community Guidelines, which serve as the basis for the expected behaviours on this app that are designed to create a community of respect for everyone. Any account reported for violating these guidelines, risks being removed from the app. The new warnings are classified into three categories: authenticity, respectfulness, and inclusiveness. They cover in-app behaviour when engaging with other users, such as harassment, and protect users against advertising and impersonation.
To detect any breaches of its Community Guidelines, Tinder uses a system of real-time machine-learning features including ‘Does This Bother You’ and ‘Are You Sure’; advanced technology monitoring and human verification.
Warnings will be served to users in-app within ‘messages’ from ‘Team Tinder’ with an explanation of what violation occurred, as well as broader information about expected behaviour and actions. When users receive a warning it will remain as a visible message that they cannot delete. Individual profiles are at risk of being removed if users continue to repeat the same violation.
What the company has to say
Nicole Blumenfeld, VP of Trust & Safety Operations, at Tinder said: “Globally, online dating is now the most common way for singles to meet new people, with 53% of people under 30 using dating apps. As the leading dating app, we want to provide our users with the best experience and the best opportunity to discover new authentic connections in a safe, fun and respectful environment. This is particularly important for younger users who are new to online dating.
Our Community Guidelines form the basis of a respectful ecosystem. These warnings are designed to provide transparency and to alert users when they are not engaging in acceptable and respectful behaviour. By providing greater transparency to users about their behaviour, not only are we enabling them to immediately ‘course correct’ but also foster a better experience for the wider Tinder community.”
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