AI in Chrome: How to use artificial intelligence to create new themes for the web browser – industrialupdates



Google Chrome’s latest update introduces new AI-based features allowing users to create custom themes, organise tabs automatically using artificial intelligence. While the rollout is initially for users in the United States, the feature is expected to expand globally soon. Follow these simple steps to personalise your Chrome browsing experience with AI-generated themes.
The new Experimental AI features are a part of Chrome version 121. So, download and install the latest version of the web browser before following the steps.
Steps to create themes using AI in Chrome
Open Chrome
Launch Google Chrome on your Windows 11 device.
Open a New Tab
Press Ctrl + T to open a new tab page.
Customise Chrome
At the bottom of the new tab page, find and select the “Customize Chrome” option.
Change theme
Click on the “Change theme” button.
Create with AI
Opt for the “Create with AI” option to initiate the theme customisation process. Explore the 16 available styles, such as Animated, Dream, or Fantasy. Select one of the 12 moods like Dark, Serene, or Snowy.
Pick the primary color for your theme or click “Custom Color” for a different choice.
Create Theme
Click the “Create” button to generate your AI-powered theme.
Apply the Theme
Once created, select your new AI theme to apply it instantly.
Note: If you can’t find the feature, enable it manually by going to Settings > Experimental AI. Turn on both the “Try out experimental AI features” and “Create themes with AI” toggle switches.
In case the settings are not visible, ensure you’re using the latest Chrome version. Download the newest update from Settings > About Chrome. The feature is a part of the latest Chrome version 121. So, make sure you are running the latest version of the browser.


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